Saturday 25 January 2014

The World is a circle without a begin.....I just wish this circle would end!!

Been going around in circles all day - literally! I have drawn 176 circles from apple green fabric for the border of the Suffolk puff quilt currently in production. I am now sat in front of the T.V., listening to Morecombe and Wise as I cut them all out, ready to sew.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Silly Walks and Soppy Stories

That's the kind of day I've had today. Artbridge was so much fun that even looking back is making me chuckle. I proved to myself that I can be 'silly' and not be embarrassed. Silly walks and transferring lines I had drawn into movement was great to do and then there was the free writing which also proved how soppy I am.
A great day that has opened my mind to many more ideas :)

Tuesday 21 January 2014

First blog of the year...

Spent the day researching for my next 3 projects, and I must say I am quite excited about them all. Their titles are -
 Under the Sea
Journey, and
Hot Air.

I shall post pictures as I go along, so that I can record my progress with them all.

That's all for now though.

Tuesday 18 June 2013


Ever had one of those days where you know exactly what you want to write, draw, sew, but none of the messages are leaving the brain? 

Monday 17 June 2013

I had a dream!

I had yet another weird dream last night. it started off normal enough with me sat watching TV. But, then I was suddenly in my workroom, in my work box amongst all my reels of thread. I could not have been taller than 5cms, and the thread seemed as thick as rope. It seemed to take me ages to walk around the reels and get to the pin cushion, which is at the other end of the box. The pins and needles looked lethal. So tall, the shiny steel glistening in the light. Luckily I could not see how sharp their points were. I stood there, mesmerized by the coloured pearly heads that looked like massive illuminations, also glowing in the sunlight. From my position I could look around the workroom, using the pincushion like a bouncy castle, bouncing as I walked. I could suddenly hear voices coming from my different project boxes. As I looked and listened I realised they were all saying the same thing.
"Finish me!, finish me!, finish me!"
I began to panic. I have so many U.F.O's, and now I was so small, I would never be able to sew them. What could I do? I began to cry, and shake. I want so much to finish them all. I must find a way. I sat on the cushion and cried... and cried.
I suddenly sat up in bed, wide awake, and back to my normal size. What did the dream mean? Try finishing a project before starting a new one! Something I will try but doubt I will succeed!!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Day One - Let's Work This Out!

This Is The Start
I have thought about starting a blog for quite a while now, but it has taken a project I am doing to give me the boost I needed to actually start.
To start, I am Sew Fabrics. I exist to sew. It is my way of coping with the bad things that happen to us all. It keeps me sane!

From now on I shall keep you up to date with quilts and projects I am planning and making, and will also share some photos and even a few project instructions, so we can all have some fun

Right, well, that's it for tonight, but I will keep a regular record of how things are going, and also give you a little insight into the world of Sew Fabrics.